My husband, Erik, is going away for two weeks. He is being sent off by the Air Force for an educational thingy*, during which he will be "working" approximately five hours a day and then doing whatever he wants for the rest of the day. 

He will not learn new things. He will not have fun or relax or go see his family that lives nearby. He will sit in his room and be sad and lonely and contemplate buying a sewing machine and pretend that he will use it. Oh wait.

That's me.

*There's a title to this thingy, and a purpose, and if you ask Erik he will tell you. If you really want to know, post a comment and I will have Erik respond, because I could only explain it if my life depended on it and really, and just this moment, it doesn't.

**Also, I'm pretty sure I'm using "transference" incorrectly here.

someone who's been there and cares
6/4/2013 11:46:31 am

check out...
a lot of anxiety comes from the meds themselves...you are right...they are making you a consumer...there ARE other ways...it takes a lonnng time but never be duped by the medical system that says you ahve to be on something synthetic to escape the dark parts or make them less...meds do not help you face yourself...esp new ones that have not been tested...listen to your gut...which probably doesnt want the meds...no one does and you can get off them...



this is not meant to be scary but to realize that life is waiting for you...and it fucking takes a long time to figure it out sometimes and a lot of help from people you might not expect...and that what is keeping you down is stuff you are puttting in your body -- food/drugs...


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