I was sitting in traffic today waiting at a red light behind a car going straight in a lane with a green right arrow. I have totally been that person, but I was still frustrated. The other light finally turned green and I was able to make my right turn and be on my way. It was with this fading frustration in my head that I ended up stuck behind a large van in a long line of stopped traffic. This time, instead of getting frustrated, I thought, Sometimes it's better not to be able to see where you're going. And then I did an internal double take, and thought, That sounds an awful lot like a metaphor for life. This led to an internal debate about life and whether it's better to see where you're going or just take it as it comes. 

In reality, we're all in the dark about what's coming in the next minute. To some extent, we're prepared; we make decisions about what to do in any given moment, which leads to whatever we will be doing. We can "predict" the near future based on the current moment. Except when we're stuck behind big white van's that block all view of what's coming next.
So, would you rather be stuck behind the van or would you break a few rules to find a way around it?
Lesley Goddin
4/10/2013 01:59:28 am

Maybe it's not either or. Maybe sometimes it's totally appropriate to not be able to see where you are going, and sometimes it is appropriate to strategize ways around the van. But I like what Gregg Levoy said about gradual change and working towards your goal on Sunday -- those "5 year plans" and long-term goals never work for me. It is my experience that life can change on a dime, and if one is too wedded to those long-term goals, short-term opportunities can be missed. Then again, when one is possessed of a driving passion, it is a strong undercurrent that persists despite the twists and turns in the landscape.So again, it's both!!!!! Thanks for the food for thought.

4/10/2013 05:16:48 am

Thanks for reading Lesley. This thought has been rolling around in my brain looking for an answer. I think you're right, it's both. The hard part is knowing when to stay put and when to find a clearer perspective.


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